¿Quien soy? Sobre mi

Un poco de mi hola!!

Nice to meet you, friend! My name is Andrew Shade. I’m a professional photographer from Denver, state Colorado. I hope, that you will enjoy with my photo portfolio and after that we can create something great together!

Through the lens the world looks different and i would like to show you this difference. I learned that from age 10, when I was first time take photos on manual camera with my Dad. After that with years of practice and tons of experience I learned the techniques, that helps me in my work with modern brands and companies. And all of this may be yours, just get in touch.

Where magic is happening My Studio

This is the place, where I can work with lights and shadows to create something brilliant. I’m talking about my photo studio that is located at 1250 Welton St, Denver. Here we can discuss and create your photo portfolio in comfortable and professional atmosphere.

Cómo ocurren las cosas Procesado

El procesado es una parte muy importante en la fotografía de paisaje. Hay muchas formas de afrontar el encargo o el trabajo personal, a mi me gusta darle un toque personal con la edición. Creo que no es ni mejor ni peor, es la forma de mirar, es la forma de transformar lo que estás viviendo en lo que quieres contar.

How does this happen Photo Processing

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